Friday, September 18, 2015

Actual size of the solar system

Photo Courtesy to 'To Scale'
We have seen the solar system model during our studies in schools and colleges, visits to planetariums, movies and internet. Turns out they are not in exact scale size. So a team of people tried to make it to scale size but needed a large open area to make us understand the size of the planet and sun and the path of the planet around the sun. The chose the open desert area of Nevada (U.S.A).
CLICK HERE if the above embedded video does not work
The team uploaded the behind the scenes and also the hard work they put up together to create the video. For our own understanding, we have always been taught how big the planets are and how far things are from each other. But to see a scale version gives us the understanding of enormity of the solar system or better yet the universe.
Photo courtesy to 'To Scale'
CLICK HERE if the above embedded video does not work
I hope these videos can be shown in schools and colleges to give us a better understanding and make us feel that Physics is cool and easy to understand.
Photo Courtesy to 'To Scale'
References: I came across this on ASAP sciences on Facebook. CLICK HERE to check their website.

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